It’s a morning routine of mine to watch something ‘inspirational’ on YouTube first thing in the morning. It would either be something by Les Brown or someone similar, like Tony Robbins or Brendon Burchard. It’s crucial for you to start your day with something positive, something that will ‘shield’ you throughout the day. Motivational videos are probably the best thing you could do in the mornings. It’s crucial to start your day with positive vibes and attitude. Believe me, the difference is HUGE!

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly until you get it right.

Les Brown

However, this morning I saw this video on YouTube about how Game of Thrones’ CGI was created. It was awesome, given that I LOVE Game of Thrones (who doesn’t , right?)! I love CGI and I’ve done my share of 3D / VFX in the past. Of course no one paid me to do it – I did it for fun.

That’s what I wanted to share with you today. I’ve got to go to work now.

See ya soon!

Last Update: April 25, 2019